I will be sharing experiences and running training workshops at a number of congresses, conferences and events in 2023. The main conferences and congresses booked in for 2023 can be found below. If your organisation or conference would like us to add a contribution to your own conference, congress or event, please do get in touch.

Interfacing The Future 2023: Blurring The Divide, The Barbican London

ITF’s theme, ‘Blurring the Divide’ is derived from the blurring divide between a technological experience and the human experience. Speakers include James Norris – Founder, MyWishes, Tom Mason – CTO, Stability AI, Roushanak Rahmat – AI Research Scientist, Elekta and Sameer Shirgaonkar – Executive Director, Experience & Service Design, J.P. Morgan.

Palliative Care Congress 2023

The Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland (APM) host the Palliative Care Congress on an annual basis. PCC events attract over 500 delegates from around the world. 16th-18th March at the EICC, Edinburgh

Oxford Centre for Education & Research in Palliative Care

The Oxford Centre for Education & Research in Palliative Care (OxCERPC) will be hosting a study day focusing on ”Contemporary Issues Surrounding Death & Grieving’. Our training will focus on ‘Contemporary Issue of Death & Grief in the Digital Age and What do Health and Social Care Professionals need to be aware in relation to digital legacy’

28th April (Virtual). More information will be published in due course

ACP-i 2023: 8th International Conference on Advance Care Planning

The ACP-i Conference, spearheaded by the ACP-i Society, is held once every two years to bring together an international fraternity of ACP experts to share best practices on ACP. The ACP-i 2023 Conference in Singapore is the first international ACP conference to be hosted in Asia.

24th-27th May 2023, Singapore