It has been a wonderfully busy few months. A few highlights can be found below
- The Digital Legacy Conference 2023 took place as part of the European Association of Palliative Care World Congress 2023 in Rotterdam. To learn more visit
- Newham Council launches MyWishes end-of-life digital support platform. Learn more
- Lot’s of new features have been optimised and rolled out on MyWishes
- MyWishes was featured on BBC’s Morning Live (watch the video)
Upcoming speaking engagements
West Midlands Academic Health Science Network (iCentrum Holt Street Birmingham)
13th July: Health technology solutions accepted into the WMAHSN accelerator demoing solutions to invited professionals working across the West Midlands
- Fellowship in Palliative Care (online)
25th July: ‘Digital approaches in palliative care’ workshop delivered to the fellowship (organised by St Christopher’s Hospice & the Institute of Palliative Medicine)
- Nationella konferensen i palliativ vård (Malmo Sweden)
2nd-4th October, I will be delivering two talks at the Swedish, ‘National Conference on Palliative Care Conference’. It is the largest palliative care conference in Sweden and is organised by the Swedish ‘Institute for Palliative Care’. –
- Rennie Grove Hospice – annual conference (online)
18th October – Further details to be announced soon